Age (non-discrimination) & Hiring Veterans(!) should also be part of DEI Compliance...

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion are widely used and practised (?) golden words in the Business/Corporates today. DEI practices involve creating and maintaining a workplace environment that values and respects all individuals, regardless of their differences… and the best statement to promote DEI in a workplace is … Making efforts to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce, including people from underrepresented groups.

I feel Age is one criterion on which the Business owners/ HR have a very rigid view… many times it is mentioned in the JD itself that people above a certain age need not apply. Age discrimination in the workplace is a real issue and it is still prevalent in many companies & countries, including developed nations. This means that people over the age of 50 /55 are often unfairly excluded from job opportunities simply because of their age. This not only violates human rights but also undermines the potential for businesses to benefit from the wealth of experience and skills that older employees bring to the table. Relevant experience and skills matter more than age: A person’s experience and skills are far more important in determining their suitability for a job than their age. An older person may have decades of experience and knowledge that can benefit a company, while a younger person may lack the same level of experience and skills.

Another reason why age should not be a factor in job applications is that it can lead to the waste of valuable skills and experience. Older and experienced employees/managers/leaders have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they have acquired over many years of working in various industries. This experience can be invaluable to businesses, especially in today's rapidly changing and competitive business environment. By excluding older workers from job opportunities, businesses are missing out on a valuable source of talent and knowledge.

Moreover, it is important to understand that age is not a measure of someone's abilities or potential. Older workers may still be in good health and able to perform their job to a high standard. In fact, some studies have shown that older workers tend to be more motivated, reliable, and have better attendance records compared to younger workers. By rejecting older workers based on their age, businesses are likely to miss out on potential candidates who could bring a lot to the table. Age discrimination should be discouraged and efforts should be made to ensure that all workers, regardless of their age, are given equal opportunities in the job market.

Age discrimination is illegal: Age discrimination is illegal under many national and international laws. Rejecting someone based solely on their age is a violation of their rights and can result in legal consequences for the company. Older workers bring stability and commitment: Older workers tend to be more stable and committed to their work. They are less likely to leave a job after a short period of time and are more likely to stay with a company for a longer period. Older workers can bring new perspectives: Older workers bring a wealth of life experience and knowledge to the workplace. They may have different perspectives and ideas that can bring innovation and creativity to a company.

Companies should focus on the relevant experience and skills that a candidate brings to the table, and not on their age. By doing so, they can tap into the valuable talent and experience that older Employees have to offer... AGE and Veteran Status should also be part of DEI compliance. #experience #compliance #DEI#Diversity #Equality #Inclusion #HR #HRpractices #age#AgeshouldnotbeaBAR #selection #Hiring #Talent #TA #Veteran #Army#DefenceForces #Veterans #opentowork


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